Diversity and Support
We embrace our diverse community and work environment and encourage applications from everyone including people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background, people of diverse sexual orientation and gender, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and people of varied age, ability, and faith. Council will give due consideration to any workplace adjustments to accommodate the needs of any prospective or existing staff member.
LGBTIQA+ Support
The City of Greater Dandenong is a proud ally of our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender diverse, intersex, queer, asexual and questioning (LGBTIQA+) community. We are currently working to provide a more inclusive environment for our LGBTIQA+ staff members. Commemorating IDAHOBIT (International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia) annually is a great step in this process.

Supportive Employer Of Defence Reservists
We are proud to declare ourselves an official supporter of Defence Reservists. If you are a Reservist, you‘ll be fully supported should you be called up for service or compulsory training. Defence Services leave is available to meet your defence force obligations.

Breastfeeding Accredited Employer
The Australian Breastfeeding Association has accredited us a breastfeeding friendly workplace. As a mother, this makes returning to work a real and practical option for you. In our workplaces, you will find separate, private rooms with all the necessary facilities for mothers to hygienically feed and/or store breastmilk.